Tuesday, March 19, 2013

LED Matrix Link on Tindie

The LED Matrix Link is now on Tindie. You can find it here: https://www.tindie.com/shops/FriedCircuits/led-matrix-link/


  1. I was working on a similar product but it seems like I should take it back now. You may consider getting MAX7219 from China at lower price (http://www.ebay.com/itm/50pcs-MAX7219CWG-IC-DRVR-DSPLY-LED-8DIG-24SOIC-/271076821550?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f1d700a2e). I used the DIP versions on my seven segment LED displays (https://www.tindie.com/shops/rajbex/spi7segdisp856-kit-eight-digit-serial-spi-seven-segment-led-display-red/).

    1. Thanks, but I have been reading too much about fakes on eBay. I don't think the risk is worth it. I may order a few just to test and see how it goes. Have you had good luck?

    2. I have bought over 200 pcs so far and have no problem. But I used the PDIP version, and not SOIC. This is the seller I bought from, and they have SOIC packages too.


    3. Cool, that is the same seller I have had my eye on. I'll order a few and then I could possibly use them on the next batch.

  2. Have bought lot of components from gc supermarket myself, extremely cheap, not had time to test yet, maybe one should build an testrig to see if they work or not.

    1. That was the seller I was going to buy from. But they sell fakes, you can see my other post about this here http://www.mobilewill.us/2013/03/max7219-and-ebay-fakes.html?m=1

    2. Yes, I found the info about the half-pins on the dip version, mine have that, so probably fakes, oh well..
