Thursday, May 31, 2012

Windows 8 Release Preview Released Early

Windows 8 Release Preview is available now.

"Until now, it seemed like Microsoft was gearing up to unveil the almost-final Windows 8 Release Preview in the first full week of June, just in time for what is sure to be the world's premier Ultrabook trade show. As it turned out, though, the folks in Redmond couldn't contain their jubilation any longer: the company is now rolling out the Release Preview several days ahead of schedule. The update, free to anyone who wants to try it, offers a few notable enhancements, including a trio of new apps, a "Flip ahead" browser gesture, Flash support and a couple of updated multi-monitor features. A few heavy hitters like Wikipedia and are also using the occasion to debut apps in the Windows Store. And the OS is now available in 13 languages. Mostly, though, this update brings performance and stability fixes, along with granular tweaks like being able to pin stocks to the Start screen. Certainly, a two-hour press conference was not necessary this time around."
Engadget: Read more

Monday, May 28, 2012

Blink Grid SMT

While browsing the Maker Shed at the Maker Faire, I came across the Blink Grid SMT and I instantly thought this is what I have been looking for. For awhile now I have looked for a kit to practice surface mount soldering. Until now I've tried to win a FreePCB coupon from but haven't won yet. Good thing someone misplaced it at the Maker Shed since I didn't see the bin with SMT kits.

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Last month I decided to improve the streaming software for the video feeds from my robots. Thus far I have been using Active WebCam which I've had good success, minus a few things. So I set out to find something else.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Monday, May 21, 2012

Maker Faire 2012 Pictures

Here are some more pictures from the 2012 Maker Faire

12' Robotic Human Face from Face Foward

Maker Faire 2012 has Ended

Now that I am back at the ranch office, I can post the rest of the pictures and tell you about all the exciting things that took place at the 2012 Maker Faire.

There is so much to cover I don't know where to start. I should start out noting that this year both Jenn and I volunteered. We did this for a few reasons, one was cost as we have a wedding and some other things coming up. Secondly, we wanted to be more involved and so we figured this would be a great opportunity. She found the Maker Corps via an email and I had seen a blog post by DFRobot asking for help. So we both jumped at the opportunity.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Raspberry Pi @makerfaire

'Raspberry Pi Founder Offers Tips for Programming Super Computer'

Look at the size compared to the HDMI adapter.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

End of Day 1 at Maker Faire

Day 1 has already ended and so much has happened so far. Unfortunately I am unable to retrieve the pictures off my camera with the devices I have with me. I have a lot of exciting things to share and will post them as soon as I get back home to the office. Look for some live posts tomorrow. Feel free to comment about some of your favorite things about the Maker Faire.

Finally Arduino Leonardo.

Today you can buy the Arduino Leonardo at Maker Faire in San Mateo.

Center Stage - Massimo Banzi 'State of Arduino'

Day 1 at Maker Faire

Some pictures from the Maker Faire today.

Ian Lesnet  presenting ‘Get your stuff made’ 
Make: Pavilion
Life Size Starcraft Marine
Defuse the Bomb by
Make: Pavilion

Monday, May 7, 2012

How To: Fly With Homemade Electronics

Something I found that could be really helpful from

"About once a month I see an article about some ambitious maker who’s project  created an alarm at airport security. Most makers who travel with homemade electronics and other prototypes have a fear that their innocuous project wil catapult them to the front page as a threat to national security. While these news reports make up a good list of how to travel with bespoke electronics, but what I really want to collect is information on how to avoid getting into these situations to begin with."
Read More